策略 绿色 | 无挂

Game Kids Coloring


语言:简体中文 授权:免费游戏

版本: 时间:2019-06-18 11:56:39

Selamat datang di Gamvia Development .Sekarang hadir game menarik serta mengedukasi anak dengan cara belajar mewarnai Game ini di release bertujuan untuk menambah kreatifitas anak dalam bidang mewarnai sesuatu benda atau contoh hewan yang telah disediakan oleh kamiAdapun beberapa Fiture menarik di dalam Game ini :1. Menyediakan lengkap warna sesuai selera anak kita masing-masing2. Banyak gambar-gambar menarik yang disukai anak3. Mudah digunakan dan tidak mengandung hal-hal berkonten dewasaMenariknya lagi, kita bisa menyimpan gambar hasil dari mewarnai anak-anak kita ke Gallery Handphone kita sendiri.Game ini tidak menyimpan data-data anda sehingga aman dan nyaman digunakan.*Berikan Rating terbaik anda jika Game ini bermanfaat untuk anak andaKritik dan saran- Email : [email protected] to Gamvia Development.Now comes the exciting game and educating children by learning to color. This game is released aimed at increasing the creativity of children in the field of coloring objects or examples of animals that have been provided by us.As for some interesting features in this game:1. Provide complete colors according to the tastes of our children2. Lots of interesting pictures that kids love3. Easy to use and does not contain things that are adultInterestingly, we can save the results from coloring our children into our own Mobile Gallery.This game does not store your data so that it is safe and comfortable to use.* Give your best rating if this game is useful for your childCriticism and suggestions- Email: [email protected]

Game Kids Coloring截图


